How to Save Yourself the Pain of Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes and Contact lenses: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Blackboard with dry eyes written, held by someone wearing a white lab coat and stethoscope

In our daily life, we are always surrounded by many digital devices such as smartphones, computers, TVs and more, and therefore our eyes are being more at risk for dry eyes. Dry eyes are not only uncomfortable, but they can also affect your vision and interfere with daily tasks such as driving, reading and writing.

If you wear contact lenses, unfortunately your risk of dry eye problems is even higher. Check out everything you need to know below.

What are dry eyes?

Our tear film consists of three layers: the oil (lipid) layer, the water (aqueous) layer, and the mucin layer. Problems with any of these three layers can cause insufficient tear production or affect tear quality to form a protective tear film, resulting in dry eye symptoms.

Are dry eyes associated with wearing contacts?

Close up of someone placing a contact into their right eye with their finger.

Contact lenses and dry eyes are not always related. However, wearing contacts incorrectly or not taking proper care of your lenses can cause dry eyes, so make sure to be careful!

It is very important to clean contact lenses daily and follow the instructions all the time.

However, even with proper care, some other external factors can cause dry eyes, so you have to stay on the lookout to avoid these symptoms.

What are the main causes of dry eyes?

These are not the only causes of dry eyes, however can still cause discomfort and some other eye diseases.

What are the main symptoms of dry eyes?

Some tips for avoiding dry eyes caused by contact lenses.

Woman in pink top tilting her head back, and using eye drops on her right eye.

Occasionally, temporary discontinuation of contact lens use may be necessary to resolve dry eye symptoms.

Give your eyes a rest by giving them more time to breathe while you wear glasses instead of contact lenses after coming back home or on your day off at home.

Always remember to wear your contact lenses correctly for avoiding dry eyes and other eye diseases, and consult your eye specialist periodically to keep your eyes healthy all the time!

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