Top Tips to decide between daily, weekly or monthly contact lenses
Which is better? Daily, Weekly or Monthly Contact Lenses?

Do you know the history of the contact lenses that you’ve been using?
In the 1940s, the first hard contact lenses used a material called PMMA, polymethyl methacrylate. Later, in the 1960s, soft contact lenses using HEMA, a softer material containing water, came to the market.
In recent years, further developments have been introduced, such as products using silicone hydrogel materials (higher oxygen permeability) and bifocal/multifocal lenses (single lens that allows for both near-sighted and far-sighted folk, sometimes due to presbyopia).
Improvements are constantly being made to contact lenses in order to improve the comfort and health of our eyes.
There are daily, weekly, and monthly contact lenses, and depending on the condition of your eyes, options such as toric lenses for astigmatism and bifocals/multifocal lenses for presbyopia can be added. For cosmetic demand, there are also coloured contact lenses and circle contact lenses.
Listed below are the pros and cons of daily, weekly and monthly contact lenses, which hopefully will be able to help you decide what’s best for you and your situation.
Note: Contact lenses are medical devices and should be ordered with a valid prescription and have an eye exam by a certified lens care professional before purchase.

Daily contact lenses : The Pros and Cons
Daily contact lenses, as the name implies, are worn for one day only. Remove and discard before bed and wear new lenses the next day.
- Pros
- Keep your eyes healthier
- Our eyes contain calcium, proteins, and lipids that can build up on contact lenses.
- Less Hassle
- For weekly and monthly lenses, the lenses should be cleaned with a specific cleaning solution, and soaked in the solution overnight.
- However, daily disposable contacts are convenient because you don't have to worry about cleaning them, as you use new lenses every day.
- Handy and economical for occasional contact lens users
- If you wear contact lenses only when you go out or do sports, it is handy and economical.
- Cons
- Expensive
- Compared to weekly and monthly contact lenses, the price will be higher.
- Durability issues
- The daily lenses are thinner and made of softer materials, so tend to have a slight tearing problem.
- They also tend to be drier than regular thick weekly and monthly contact lenses.
- Environment issues
- It is much less environmentally sustainable, as it’s creating much more waste.
Daily contact lenses are healthier and more comfortable.
New and fresh contact lenses everyday with less hassle in your busy life!
Click here to see our Daily Contact Lenses
Weekly/Monthly contact lenses : The Pros and Cons
Weekly/Monthly lenses should be replaced weekly, fortnightly or monthly. (It depends on the product and your eye status. Please consult your eye doctor if you are not sure which contact lenses suit your eyes.) (Regarding the usage period, it means that the lenses can be used for a maximum of specific days counting from the time the lens is taken out of its blister. It does not mean that it can be used for specific days in total.)
- Pros
- Cost-effective
- Compared with daily contact lenses, weekly or monthly use contact lenses are more economical.
- Durability
- These lenses are thicker and less likely to dry out than daily contact lenses.
- Cons
- Daily cleaning is required.
- To prevent bacteria accumulation, weekly or monthly contact lenses must be cleaned and disinfected every day. This is time consuming and inconvenient compared to using daily contact lenses.
- Extra cost
- Other costs associated with cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses.
Weekly/Monthly contact lenses are more cost-effective and budget friendly than daily contact lenses. If you don’t mind putting in the time and effort required for proper care every day, it’s a great option for you if you want to save money!
Click here to see our Weekly/Fortnightly Contact LensesClick here to see our Monthly Contact Lenses
Which contact lenses are suitable for you depends on your lifestyle and values. In addition to the replacement period, lenses for astigmatism and hyperopia are necessary depending on the condition of the eyes. Please find out the best contact lenses for you. (Don't forget to consult your eye doctor to check the condition of your eyes and the latest prescription.)